Αρχείο ετικέτας STORYTELLING

“The wind and the sun” video

The Wind and the Sun project


Watch our videos here:

                            The Sun and the Wind video (Γ2)

                          The Wind and the Sun  video (Γ1)          


One of the stories included in Magic Book – 3rd grade is “The Wind and the Sun”by Aesop. It is one of my favourite stories in this book because it gives us the opportunity to talk about ways to improve ourselves , to behave kindly and trying to persuade other people without showing off our physical strength or using violence.After having done lesson 1 and 2(Unit 4) ,we also watched a similar animated video which helped us understand the story .I also used it to catch their attention. You can watch it  here:The Wind and the Sun: Learn English (UK) with subtitles – Story for Children ). Then we decided to retell the story.

We devided the story into scenes and the students drew and painted their favourite scene, some in groups ,others individually.We decided not to write the words on the pictures. Instead we chose to assign roles and narrate  the story in Photostory 3,retelling the story digitally.

The students were highly motivated by this project.They found out the procedure of making a video (taking photos of the scenes,importing and editing the pictures) and of course recording their  voices ,which they absolutely adored. I never thought they would all respond in such short notice and the result was more than satisfying for me.

Special thanks to my colleague Dimitra Philipopoulou , for inpiring me with her comics and illustrated stories based on kids art.