Αρχείο ετικέτας food vocabulary

Hungry anyone? (6th grade-Unit 2)

If you’re hungry I’ve got the solution for you! Try one of the recipes that my 6th graders wrote . Traditional greek dishes and dessert recipes written for you to try.For the past two weeks my little chefs frizzled,boiled,baked ,mixed using not only the food vocabulary we learned in Unit 2,but also the cooking verbs video from our Unit 2 padlet and finally published their Recipes in our padlet.


First I thought that writing a recipe would be too challenging for them. I am really impressed and thankful that they embraced this challenge and responded willingly. Writing their recipes was no easy task,but it really paid off.They learned a lot of new words,they familiarised more with the use of padlet,they read their classmates’ works and commented on them,while in the process we enjoyed ourselves and talked about our favourite tastes and smells that filled our classroom. I want to thank my dear colleague Vivi Hamilou  for the idea to use padlet as a tool to publish their work.I also want to thank her for leaving her comments under their recipes!


I’m waiting for some more recipes and next week I’m planning to upload the recipes on our school website for anyone interested to leave a comment or rank the recipes ! My students will really  appreciate it and feel proud of their work.