This activity started as a writing activity with my 6th graders. I really thought of it as a good way to use past tense forms.
Later on, as some of my students didn’t have access to Internet at home or couldn’t print any photos to accompany their projects ,we decided to use Photostory 3 and create video biographies.In that way, they had the chance to familiarise themselves with digital means,collaborate with their classmates , solve various problems and above all be creative! You can find all the details in the following Digital Biographies ppt presentation which I had the chance to present in the “I share”seminar organised by Mrs Kotadaki,our English Advisor.
Here are my students’ works! (I tried to intervene as less as possible in their final product, so once in a while you may notice some mistakes! Remember that the aim of the activity is to foster their sense of accomplishment and make them more confident users of the FL.)