Teaching through padlet


 Using padlet last year for applying Flipped Classroom Lessons in 6th grade, gave me a lot of ideas about how I can use this tool in many other ways too. So this year , since my timetable doesn’t allow me to use our computer lab, I’ve decided to use padlet in order to :

  • provide  my students with  digital material on each unit (that we won’t have the chance or time to watch in  our computer lab)

  • familiarize them with the use of padlet so as to prepare them for some flipped lessons later on

  • make study , revision and practice more appealing to them

  • save precious time for practicing in class

  • communicate with them through messages on my padlet wall

  • give them time and space to work at their own pace

  • make them active learners

My first attempt was to prepare and upload material for Unit 2 – Going shopping-6th bgrade and my goal is to give them extra material for each unit. Most of the material is taken from photodendro. However you can upload any material (ppt presentations for grammar, links to on line games, videos etc)that serves the linguistic and communicative purposes of each unit.

My dear colleague Vivi Hamilou has recently used padlet to publish her students’writing homework,which is an excellent idea. She has also used the website of her school to upload extra material. There’s  a great amount of digital material to enrich our coursebooks but not enough time to do it at school, so technology may be  the answer.

I hope it all goes well! I’ll be back with my students’ impressions and comments as well as material for the next units.


Click here to visit my padlet:   6th grade-Unit 2 – Going shopping


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