Αρχείο μηνός Ιούλιος 2016

Writing a postcard

I suggest this activity for Unit 4 of the school coursebook (5th grade) ,as it is a nice way to practice the grammar of the unit (Present Continuous vs Present Simple). It also  familiarises  students with the format of a postcard (short ,inclusive ,informal kind of writing) and actually motivates them to learn in a creative way using their background experience or travel through their imagination to a holiday destination of their choice. Here are some examples.


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Alphabet Books – Letterland(poster)


Both projects are  a nice way to revise Alphabet words used in Magic Book 1,in 3rd grade.We did Alphabet books last year while this year we created a poster with pictures representing words from letterland . Both activities motivate young learners, as they have the chance to learn the words as well as being creative and imaginative. It gives them a sense of accomplishment and at the same time make FL learning more appealing.You can see some of my students’ work.

Alphabet Books

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